[1] He appears to be quite active within the local community,[2] and believes King Lathas to be playing an active role in the oppressive conditions in West Ardougne. Dig 9 steps west of the centre of the fairy ring (code cis) found north of the Arceuus Library. It is only available to players who have partially completed the Plague City quest. Chadwell. Head to it and open the gates. After Plague City, you may find her in her house in north-west of East Ardougne. Search the crates in East Ardougne's general store. The rotten apple is used in the Biohazard and Mourning's Ends Part I quests. Taskmaster (s) Two-pints. Scan range: 22 paces v • d • e ArdougneWest Ardougne. Scan range: 22 paces v • d • e Ardougne West Ardougne is accessed during Plague City and the subsequent quests of the elf quest series, which heavily features both parts of the city. is an achievement that requires the player to talk to a civilian in West Ardougne about selling a cat while having a non-kitten cat in the inventory. But we know the plague doesn't exist. Inside West Ardougne's church Rock Central Fremennik Isles mine (note: NOT underground) Rock By the entrance to the Lava Maze Dungeon: Hole By the ladder inside the Shadow Dungeon: Hole Warriors' Guild bank Crate South-east corner of the Edgeville Monastery, on the ground floor Crate South-east corner of the Fishing Platform: CrateThe Recruiter is found in the city square of West Ardougne. What do the West Ardougne people use the cats for? That would be soft! I agree! The mice are really bothering them. Use it on an arrow, then light it. Now THESE are some patch notes. They are: Enter through the pipeline way after completing parts of the Plague City Quest. From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScapeWill work within the walls of East or West Ardougne, orb scan range 22 paces. Elemental staves can be substituted. A Portal chamber is a room that can be built in a player-owned house. West Ardougne chapel (inside) Dragon spear • Red d'hide chaps: 39,632: Rock Wilderness Lava Maze (eastern entrance, near the ladder) (Bring a knife if you don't have access to the shortcut — 82 Agility and Wilderness Hard Diary required) Black d'hide chaps • Spotted cape • Rolling pin: 25,984: Hole Warriors' Guild bank Black salamander. Ardougne Castle is a castle in East Ardougne near the border to West Ardougne. Pickpocket the master farmer north of Ardougne Located west of the Farm. The Mourner Headquarters, also known as the Mourner HQ, is the headquarters of the Prifddinas Death Guard, also known as the Mourners, in the north-eastern part of West Ardougne. There is also an orchard containing rotten apples directly east of the gated entranced to the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Upon entering West Ardougne during Plague City, he is the first NPC you must speak to regarding Elena's absence. Jugs are not sold at the Catherby, East Ardougne, or West Ardougne general store. Since King Tyras of West Ardougne left his kingdom to explore Tirannwn in the west, the Civic Office has taken. Players can create this item on either a Teak eagle lectern, or Mahogany eagle lectern as long as they have 2 Law runes, 2 Water runes, and 1 Soft clay and at least level 51 Magic. 19621. South of the Tree Gnome. 03 degrees 00 minutes north/south 02 degrees 00 minutes east/west. A Cat is For Life. A portal nexus is a room that can be built in a player-owned house. ) Search the crates just outside the Armour shop in East Ardougne. Stand and dig right next to the standards behind the altar. The whole area marked as guarded on the map just outside (south) the ardougne zoo, is NOT guarded. Show him Elena's picture and he'll tell you to go check the Rehnison house and give you a book that he borrowed from them. West Ardougne is a members-only city and part of the capital of Kandarin. Requires a Mithril grapple and a Crossbow. If the player receives a duplicate. Trivia [edit | edit source]. Speak with Abbot Langley in the Monastery north-west of Barbarian Village. Players can teleport here an unlimited number of times using an Ardougne cloak. When three weeks passed,. Hint: “…located south of Ardougne. Climb a rope in the southeast corner after completing parts of the Biohazard Quest. This is based on an. The house is east of the Mess in Great Kourend. This area plays a large role. It was under the rule of King Ulthas Ardignas until he died in the year 136 in the Fifth Age, after which his sons, Tyras and Lathas, divided it into the two sections; West Ardougne and East Ardougne due to the rivalry between. Players can exchange a cat with the civilians in West Ardougne for 100 death runes, or 200 if they have completed the easy Ardougne diary. Its neighbour, West Ardougne, governed by King Tyras, is closed off to the general public because of a. It is used in many quests and in the creation of certain items. Ardougne (Jagex: /ɑːrˈdɔɪn/ ( listen) arr-DOYN) is the capital and largest city of the Kingdom of Kandarin. Requires Elemental Workshop I and II and parts of Troll Stronghold completed. Buried under these samples lies a well-hidden secret. The Ardougne Monastery, or Kandarin Monastery, in the kingdom of Kandarin is a building located south of Ardougne Zoo and north of the Fight Arena. Possible locations. They are found on the ground in north-eastern corner of West Ardougne, in a barrel near the port and several other places on Lunar Isle. The temple is a complex maze, with the manipulation of light being necessary to proceed. General store. It’s pretty quick compared to using the ardy lodestone and running west for a few min. You can sell any type of cat here as long as it is not a kitten. -- west of Outpost – north of Ardougne / near the pointy-eared ones -- southwest and west of Gnome Stronghold, north of well and statue – near a big tree surrounded by short people -- East Ardougne, and close surroundings * around ArdougneThe West ardougne teleport is a magic tablet that can be broken by players to teleport to West Ardougne. Shortly after, Lord Iban, a Kinshra officer, who had. Easy Achievement Diary: 6 Enter the Combat Training Camp north of West ArdougneREQUIREMENTS:-Biohazard (Quest)Combat Training Camp north of West Ardougne's. Because of this, the people of Ardougne are strongly against. Categories: Members' achievements. south of fairy ring BLR: Located in West Ardougne, dig inside one of the destroyed buildings. Elena is an Ardougnese woman who voluntarily went to West Ardougne to try to help the people there and research the plague. The Civic Office of West Ardougne is the main governmental building in West Ardougne. A user of dark magic. Do not take the middle bog-like path, as you will sink down into a tunnel full of rocks which wastes a lot of time climbing out. The Fenkenstrain's castle teleport is a magic tablet that can be broken by players to teleport to Fenkenstrain's Castle . Hint: “…located near a big tree surrounded by short people. Well i mean. Wine can also be made by adding grapes to a jug of water. Join. Ardougne Monastery and Ardougne cloak unlimited teleport west, East Ardougne and Spirit tree north-west, Port Khazard south DJR: Great Kourend: Chasm of Fire: Chasm of Fire, north-west corner of Shayzien: DKP: Karamja: Gnome Glider Karambwan fishing spots: DKR: Misthalin: Edgeville Grand Exchange east, Edgeville bank west, Wilderness. South of Draynor Bank. The cat does not need to be sold to complete this achievement. The completion of Plague City is still required to use it. Specialty. Ardougne Teleport is a teleportation spell which requires level 51 Magic, the standard spellbook, and the quest Plague City to cast. Only one portal nexus room can be built in a player-owned house. It is divided into East Ardougne and West Ardougne. Ardougne (/ɑːrˈdɔɪn/ ( listen) ar-DOYN)[1][2][3] is the capital city of the kingdom of Kandarin since the year 98 of the Fifth Age. [view] • [talk] Red Revolution is an achievement that requires the player to get a civilian to throw a tomato at the recruiter in the West Ardougne town square. Sheep herder was released in 2002, just months after the end of the 2001 UK foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. Go to the North-East building in West Ardougne. Go down the ladder and follow the long, winding. The basic lore is that they take your cat and train it to fight rats that spread the "plague". If the player has not completed the Priest in Peril quest and spoke to Drezel before entering Morytania, they will receive a message in the chatbox stating You must have. West Ardougne plaza Falador teleport: Falador town square 'Chipped' Falador teleport: Southern Falador gate Watchtower teleport: Watchtower 'Chipped' Watchtower teleport: Observatory near the Observatory assistant: Fully charging the book with 1000 of each tablet costs 52,236,000. East Ardougne, just south of Handelmort Mansion, and between Horacio's patch and the Jade vine patch. For a list of all items and upgrades within the Construction skill, see Construction/Level up table. He claims to work for King Lathas Ardignas to keep the Plague of West Ardougne in check. According to the mourners, the plague was brought to the West Ardougne by the city's ruler, King Tyras. Ardougne (pronounced "Ard-oy,-n") is the capital of the Kingdom of Kandarin. Click the above image to enlarge! In the South-East corner of Yanille, South of the bank. The Ardougne teleport tablet is an item that can be used to teleport to Ardougne. Owner. Talk to a civilian in West Ardougne about selling a cat Enter West Ardougne (to enter West Ardougne, you'll need to have completed Plague City. The city of Ardougne is split into two parts: a wealthy part known as East Ardougne under the rule of King Lathas and a poor part known as West Ardougne, ruled by King Tyras. There are only a few ways to enter West Ardougne…. After Plague's End, he keeps his job and is. While visiting East Ardougne, an adventurer hears that the city is supposedly afflicted with the plague. East Ardougne (pronounced ɑrdɔɪn; "Arr-doyn") is the eastern of the two districts that form Ardougne, the capital of Kandarin. The Civic Office of West Ardougne is a government body centred in the plague-ridden half-capital of Kandarin, West Ardougne. There are a lot of notable features, quests, and skilling locations within East Ardougne. During Plague's End, she is one of West Ardougne's citizens who take part in the. West Ardougne is a members-only city and part of the capital of Kandarin. The Knights of Ardougne are found in the East Ardougne market place. Players can sell their regular, overgrown, wily and lazy cats to civilians in West Ardougne in the south-western area of the city for 100 death runes (11,700). Area Information: West Ardougne; East Ardougne. The quests plot deepens as Elena finally gets a chance to process her plague samples. is an achievement that requires the player to talk to a civilian in West Ardougne about selling a cat while having a non-kitten cat in the inventory. Ardougne Lever: Use the Ardougne lever to teleport into the Wilderness. ”The gas mask is a quest item made by Edmond's wife during the Plague City quest so that the player can enter West Ardougne without being affected by the "plague" there (however it does not need to be worn after Biohazard as the plague is revealed to not exist). N o Quest Difficulty Release date Synopsis 1 Plague City: Novice 27 August 2002 The player helps Edmond with finding his daughter Elena, who has not returned from the plague-ridden city of West Ardougne. She is actually wearing a Doctor's gown instead of a typical nurse uniform. The gear must be worn in order to access the Mourners' basement headquarters in West Ardougne to get to the Dark beasts, runite ore, and the east entrance of the Temple of Light to the Death altar. He then began using the quarantined citizens as slaves to dig into the Temple of Light to free the Dark Lord and use its power to restore Prifddinas without the aid of the other clans, leaving the Iorwerth. The elf quest series is a series of quests centring around the Elven Civil War and Lord Iorwerth's plot to return the Dark Lord, with sub-plots being the plague of West Ardougne and the conflict between Ardougne's two kings, King Tyras and King Lathas. Items required: Pigeon cage, bird feed, Gas Mask Speak to Jerico, who lives in a house just south of the northern bank in Ardougne. Bravek is the city warder of West Ardougne. In Biohazard, you are to aid her deliver 3 different chemicals to a scientist in south-east Varrock. Items required: None. It requires 2 water runes and 2 law runes to cast, granting 61 experience per cast. A boot camp is a colloquial term for military recruit training. It is in the north-east corner of the housing. Clue scroll: Spin in west ardougne church osrsIorwerth established the Prifddinas Death Guard and had it set up base in West Ardougne under the cover that a plague had infected the city. Plague City is the first quest in the Elf quest series. Nurse Sarah is a woman in West Ardougne in the large building south-west of the church. Most are found attempting to chase away thieves. Hint: “…located near a big tree surrounded by short people. Guarded area starts at the entrance of the ardougne zoo. Animation. Inside is a lever. Got a Reward Casket? Comment below your loot Pleas. Requires a shield left half, shield right half, a hammer, level 60 smithing, and the completion of Legends Quest. Try to open the door and a Mourner will say that some Mourners are ill and. It was established by King Lathas of East Ardougne to train his forces. Ardougne teleport takes you to the middle of the Ardougne market, which is directly west of Witchaven. Please show off the support by giving the Topic a like if youve found it helpful! Feedback is appreciated at any time. Civilian. Description. He can be found in the town square of West Ardougne. Wearing the gear also unlocks unique dialogue with the citizens in West Ardougne and certain NPCs in East Ardougne . Equip a lava battlestaff, black d'hide vambraces and a mind shield. Once you break it, it teleports you to the West Ardougne plaza. Sound Effect. Players start this quest by speaking to him, and he plays a large role in the quest's storyline. Along with the Edgeville teleport lever, this is the lever that transports players to the deep Wilderness in the Deserted Keep when pulled. The Ardougne Sewers are an extensive dungeon system underneath East Ardougne and part of West Ardougne. When talked to, they will complain that they are busy because of the rat infestation, and say that they need a cat. Edmond is a non-player character whose daughter was captured by mourners during the Plague City quest. It requires 50 Magic and. This increases to 200 death runes (40,600) with the easy Ardougne achievement diary reward. The player must talk to the recruiter and go through the dialogue, which will eventually lead the civilians to throw tomatoes at him. It is made up of two two-story towers (east and west) joined by a single-story foyer. A user of dark magic. West Ardougne; Ghosts in the Abandoned Mine should not be killed, as they grant no Slayer experience. As to why after Plague's End, they still look sick, it's possible that the poison given, combined with the already weakly state of the citizens, rendered them permanently sick. It is in the northwest corner of the most eastern of the three destroyed housing buildings in the southwest area of West Ardougne. Iban created the mass destruction in West Ardougne and the plague was an East Ardy cover-up. There is, unlike any other human nation, a democratic government in Ardougne, the Ardougne city council. The Dark mage is a Zamorakian mage who can be found close to the entrance of the Underground Pass in West Ardougne. Tyras and his brother, King Lathas, each ruled half of Ardougne, essentially giving the city two completely separate governments. Philipe Carnillean is the son of Sir Ceril Carnillean and Henryeta Carnillean, and the heir of the Carnillean Family, featured in the Hazeel Cult and Carnillean Rising quests. Civilians are located in the north-western area inside West Ardougne. 0°00' degrees north and 0°00' degrees east is located in the middle of the Observatory. Two steps northeast of the north-eastern tile of the base of the oak tree that lies between two other oak trees near the coastline. He lives north of the Flying Horse Inn. However, you can get a full. Teleport to the Wilderness using the lever in Ardougne. The drawers are in the NW corner of the house. The ability to sell cats to the citizens of West Ardougne for death runes foreshadowed that the Death Altar is located near West Ardougne. r/runescape. It is where most of the city's populace get their food from. It is in the members area of Gielinor and is likely to be one of the wealthiest and most well-protected cities in RuneScape. Jethick is an elderly citizen of West Ardougne unaffected by the plague. West Ardougne chapel (inside) Dragon spear • Red d'hide chaps: 39,632: Rock Wilderness Lava Maze (eastern entrance, near the ladder) (Bring a knife if you don't have access to the shortcut — 82 Agility and Wilderness Hard Diary required) Black d'hide chaps • Spotted cape • Rolling pin: 25,984: Hole Warriors' Guild bank Black salamander. Go outside of the Clock Tower and head north-east to where Brother Cedric is (from the Monk's Friend quest) just south of the Ardougne Zoo. This increases to 200 death runes (23,400) with the easy Ardougne achievement diary reward. Run south from Ardougne til you're at the fiary ring surrounded by a cluster of trees. That's all from Postie Pete for now!Penguin Hide and Seek, also known as Penguin Hunting, is one of the broadest extensions of Distractions and Diversions and can be used to earn money or experience in any skill. Smith a dragon square sheild in West Ardougne. It is dedicated to the god Saradomin. In addition, a dark essence block is required to substitute. Talk to the Priest in the West Ardougne church. It encompasses most of the lands. The West ardougne teleport tablet is an item that teleports the user to West Ardougne. The Combat Training Camp is just northwest of East Ardougne, on the west side of the river. He's standing a few paces to the east. Search the tents in the Imperial Guard camp in Burthorpe for some boxes. Search the crates near a cart in Varrock. The Combat Training Camp (or King Lathas's training grounds) can be accessed after the Biohazard quest. . The Dark Mage is a Zamorakian mage that lives in a tower east of the entrance to the Underground Pass in West Ardougne. It's inbetween the 2 bridges that cross the river. . The camp is located. Here, after the completion of the Biohazard quest, you will be able to travel between East Ardougne and West Ardougne through this door. In Plague City, you are to save her from her entrapment in West Ardougne. Edmond is the father of Elena, and lives in the house north of the Flying Horse Inn in East Ardougne. West Ardougne is closed off to the general public because of a mysterious "plague" affecting the inhabitants, but you can slowly gain complete access by completing the first few quests. Smithing this shield in West Ardougne is a task required in the hard set of the Ardougne Diary. The Ardougne Diary is a set of achievement diaries whose tasks revolve around areas in and near Ardougne, such as Yanille and Port Khazard . 4 ticks. The building features in the first and last quest of the Elf quest series, namely Plague City and Plague's End.